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New to PACE? What to watch for

As the national rollout of PACE continues, we have tips to get you up to speed with the new system, latest improvements, and five issues for troubleshooting.

Palliative Care, life limiting illness, and support for people with a disability

Eastern Metropolitan Region Palliative Care ConsortiumInformation and resources for disability providers and support workers

Victorian Disability and Social Services Regulation Amendment Act 2023

This page contains resources about the Victorian Disability and Social Services Regulation Amendment Act.

Member Webinar: Super Stressed! Navigating your way in a new world to increase your resilience

NDS Wellness webinar #3 banner

Join special guest, Caryn Walsh of Pure Magic International Business Solutions, for this NDS member-only webinar, the third of a COVID-19 series focusing on “wellness”. Caryn is an award winning Psychologist, International Leadership and Team Development Specialist and Executive Coach.

Caryn provides an upbeat and interesting perspective on how we can manage our stress and move towards a more resilient future, no matter what is thrown our way. Now, more than ever, we have to be on top of our game, managing our stress effectively and implementing strategies to ensure we are in a position to choose our own destiny, and not allow an international pandemic to do it for us.

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