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Northern Territory Disability Inclusion Awards Launch Events

Event start date: 2/09/2024
Nominations are open for the 2024 Northern Territory Disability Inclusion Awards - and our Launch Events across the Northern Territory are fast approaching.

McCusker Centre for Citizenship Internships Webinars - IT Focus

Event start date: 3/09/2024
Interested in learning more about hosting an intern? Please join upcoming webinars to find out more.

WA Training Funding Information Session

Event start date: 3/09/2024
Do you want to learn more about investing in your front-line direct care workforce and receive the benefit of a wage subsidy to do so? Come join NDS's upcoming information sessions to find out more!

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Frequently Asked Questions - NDS Membership Renewals

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Victoria Network Events

Disability sector providers are invited to collaborate, network, learn from others and hear the latest information regarding topics that are both Victorian and nationally focused.

Disability Health Hub

A group of young adults wearing colourful clothing laugh together

Key benefits

  • A central location for disability specific evidence-based resources, tools and training
  • Disability providers can find resources, tools and training that can be used by their organisations
  • People with disability can use health resources to build their health literacy and support them engage and navigate health services

Disability and health

NDS has a focus on health as a key element of quality and safe services. Disability services are supporting the health of participants, from delivering health supports through to supported decision making for lifestyle and enabling access to key health services.

The Disability Health Hub is designed to help disability providers find resources, tools and training that can be used by the organisations, Disability Support Workers (DSW), and people with disability in building their healthy literacy, healthy lifestyle, and access to health services. The Disability Health Hub is a central location for disability specific evidence-based resources, tools and training on key health issues produced by Australian organisations and Universities.

Do you know a resource that would be a good fit on this page? Suggest it via the contact information box at the bottom of this webpage.

Ways to use the Disability Health Hub resources 

Build Disability Support Workers (DSW) and people with disability health literacy and knowledge of services

  • DSW: Build your workforce's health literacy and knowledge of health services, so they can use this knowledge when working with people.   
  • People with disability: As part of active support and supported decision making, use health resources with people you support to build their health literacy and support them engage and navigate health services.  
  • Families and supporters: Share resources and programs with people with disability families, and supporters. Be aware of Medicare funded programs available such as the CHAP or Home Medication Reviews. Sharing information can be a great way to engage and empower people with disability and their supporters.  

Embed health into your organisations meetings and events

Request to add resources
If you would like to suggest resources or information for the Disability Health Hub please contact NDS here.

NDS has aimed to include resources which are disability specific, published within 10 years and Australian.   

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Current health work from NDS

Health areas NDS is working on include:   

NDS National Disability Sector Health Issues Network Meeting 
The national network is run bimonthly and brings together the sector for updates and discussion on key health issues. The network focuses on the intersection between disability and health including current issues for providers supporting people with disability to manage health outcomes and address risks. 

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Resource one

NDIA and NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission guidance and resources

National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA)

The NDIA provides key guidance for NDIS participants and provides including:

  • NDIS Health Our Guidelines - including guidance on what health services are responsible for and what the NDIS is responsible for, and examples of support funds.   
  • NDIS Disability-related health supports - includes links to key information on health supports, community connections and specific disability related health guidelines. 
  • NDIS Mental health and psychosocial disability - Includes information on what mental health services can provide support for, and what the NDIS can provide support, with accompanying examples.  
  • NDIS Hospital discharge - includes information on NDIA Hospital Liaison Officers and guidance on Plan changes when discharging from hospital.  

NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission 

The NDIS NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission is an independent government agency established to improve the quality and safety of NDIS supports and services. The Commission provides Practice Standards, frameworks, and resources to support disability providers.

NDIS Practice Standards 

Health specific Practice Standards include: 

  • Management of Medication 
  • Mealtime Management  
  • Management of Waste (relates to biohazard and health waste)

NDIS Workforce Capability Framework

Health related content included in specialised support capabilities section: 

  • Work with me to develop my health and allied health support plans 
  • Support me to implement my health and allied health support plans  
  • Support me to implement my mealtime plan 
  • Support me to implement my medication plan  
  • Support me to implement my positive behavior support plan 

High Intensity Daily Personal Activities (HISSDs) 

Health related HISSDs include: 

  • Complex Bowel Care  
  • Enteral (Naso-Gastric Tube – Jejunum or Duodenum)  
  • Feeding and Management  
  • Severe Dysphagia Management 
  • Tracheostomy Management  
  • Urinary Catheter Management (In-dwelling Urinary Catheter, In-out Catheter, Suprapubic Catheter)  
  • Ventilator Management  
  • Subcutaneous Injections  
  • Complex Wound Management

NDIS Commission Practice Alerts
Practice Alerts are short research summaries that provide important information on best practice, safe and quality service delivery to people with disability. They were developed in response to the Scoping review of causes and contributors to deaths of people with disability in Australia.

General health and health promotion:

  • Cardiovascular Disease 
  • Comprehensive Health 
  • Dysphagia 
  • Epilepsy management 
  • Hot water safety 
  • Lifestyle risk factors 
  • Oral health 
  • Pain Management 
  • Prevention of respiratory infections  
  • Sun and summer safety 


  • Buccal and Intranasal  
  • Influenza vaccine 
  • Medicines associated with swallowing problems  
  • Medicines that can cause respitaory depression 
  • Midazolam for epilepsy  
  • Polypharmacy 


  • Hospitals 
  • Transitions of care between disability services and hospitals 

NDIS Commission health related resources:  

Medication purpose form

The medication purpose form can be used with prescribers to document medicines and the purpose and diagnosis associated with the medicines. 

Medicines for health, not control

Key information regarding psychotropic medications, and linkages with NDIS Commission approach to restrictive practice and behaviour supports.  

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Resource two

Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care

NDIS Joint statement on inappropriate use of psychotropic medicines:  

Easy-English information about healthcare rights:  

For health services: Clinical Care Standard  
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care: Psychotropic Medicines in Cognitive Disability or Impairment Clinical Care Standard

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Resource three

Comprehensive Health Assessments Program (CHAP)

The Comprehensive Health Assessment Program (CHAP) is an evidence-based tool for carrying out annual health assessments with GPs for people with intellectual disability in Australia. 
An annual health assessment is a comprehensive and structured assessment of a patient. There is strong evidence that these assessments are an effective way to identify unmet health needs in people with intellectual disability.  

Commonwealth Government Department of Health and Aged Care 2024 

CHAP guide for the disability sector, NDS 2024 
The Comprehensive Health Assessment Program (CHAP) is an evidence-based tool for conducting annual health assessments. The NDS guide provides practical tips for disability providers and workers on how to support someone prepare, undertake and follow up on through the CHAP process.  
PHN SPIDAH CHAP video resources 2023  
Western Victoria Primary Health Network (PHN) has created these video resources to support people with disability, disability providers, and support people to understand and make the most out of the CHAP.  

For additional CHAP-related resources, please view WVPHN’s PracticeConnect | Intellectual Disability webpage.  

Other resources:

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Resource four

General Health and Health Promotion

Health Care For People Who Need Extra Support: A health literacy guide to support the health of people with a cognitive impairment or intellectual disability,  Dr Rachel Skoss Institute for Health Research, The University of Notre Dame Australia 2023.
When people have good health literacy, they find it easier to understand the available options and make the best decisions about their health. This guide was codesigned and developed from interviews with people with ID and cognitive impairment, family members, people working in disability service organisations, and clinicians. 
The comprehensive 180 page guide was developed using a health literacy approach and includes: promoting good health, managing health conditions, using health services, building health related skills and knowledge and understanding the health system
My Lived iD Centre for Developmental Disability Health, Monash Health 
My Lived iD is a hub for people with intellectual disability, DSW, supporters and health care professionals of people with intellectual disability. The website includes resources, training and health services for people with ID.  

UNSW 3NDR website
UNSW 3NDR has been leading the way in research and programs designed with and for people with intellectual disability. The 3NDR website includes resources for people with disability, disability workers, and health professionals.  
3NDR has four easy read resources about preventative health care including:  

  • What is preventive health care,  
  • Preventive health checks 
  • Types of preventive healthcare to stay healthy  
  • Preventive health care to get better faster or not get worse  

Health resources: Council for Intellectual Disability 
The Council for Intellectual Disability has an extensive library of resources designed by and for people with intellectual disability in easy read format.  
Some of the general health resources include:  

Health Toolkit – Down Syndrome Australia 
Down Syndrome Australia has developed resources developed for people with Down syndrome, supporters and DSW:  

  • Health services: prepared and informed about hospital stays, building relationships with GPs and decision making. 
  • Health conditions: Mental health, dental health and dementia.

Easy read – health resources, Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care 2023
The Department of Health and Aging has produced a range of easy read health resources, covering health rights and health plans and checks.   

Primary Health Network: SPIDAH Project 2024  
The Western Victoria PHN SPIDAH project has a significant YouTube library of webinars covering diverse health and disability topics including oral health, CHAP, nutrition, sexual and reproductive health.  

Resource five

Cancer screening

Cancer screening is essential for everyone’s health; however, cancer screening services and information is a health service some people with disability are missing out on, or not receiving as regularly as need. 

Cancer Screening Disability Hub, Cancer Council Victoria
The website includes key information on statistics, barriers, and resources designed for DSW and people with disability and their supporters.  
The website includes: 

Just Checking website, Family Planning NSW  
Just Checking is a project funded by Cancer Institute NSW to help address this issue through training, resources and accessible information that has been co-designed by people with intellectual disability.

The website includes: 

  • The Just Checking online learning program for DSW 
  • Social stories including - cervical cancer, breast cancer, bowel cancer.  
  • Videos and easy English resources on cervical cancer, breast cancer and bowel cancer.  

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Resource six

Cardiac and heart health

Positive cardiometabolic health for people with intellectual disability resources and project UNSW 3NDR 2016  

People with an intellectual disability experience poorer health and higher mortality rates than the general population, with a major contributor to this health inequality is the high rate of cardiometabolic disease experienced by people with an intellectual disability. Cardiometabolic risk factors for people with an intellectual disability differ from the general population and include higher rates of psychotropic medication prescription and polypharmacy, and certain genetic syndromes associated with intellectual disability. 
Resources for people with intellectual disability, DSW, and supports.  

UNSW 3NDR have made postcards that can be printed and taken to a persons doctor. The front side of the postcards contain information for people with an intellectual disability or carers. The back side of each postcard provides information for the doctor about the above resources.

The resources include: Standard Cardiometabolic Targets, Going To The Doctor, Consent and Blood Pressure.
Early intervention framework for health practitioners 2016 

The Positive Cardiometabolic Health for People with an Intellectual Disability: An Early Intervention Framework, as well as the Framework launch videos are available. 

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Resource seven


Diabetes is a common health condition in Australia, with diabetes becoming more common in the Australian community. 
Easy read diabetes Health Resources, Queensland Centre for Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 2023  
The easy read diabetes and health resources can be downloaded as one resource or in subsections including the Diabetes Easy Read Resource – A 180 page resource covering diabetes and insulin, blood sugar, sick days, food and exercise, visiting health workers and managing health problems.  

People with Intellectual disability – National Diabetes Services Scheme website  
The NDSS website has a dedicated area for people with intellectual disability including easy to understand video resources for people with intellectual disability including: 

  • What is diabetes? 
  • My diabetes team 
  • Caring for my body 
  • Preventing other health problems 
  • Medications to help my diabetes 
  • Choosing health foods 

Diabetes visit cards – Before, during and after 
These detailed cards have been designed to use before, during and after diabetes health appointments. The cards can be downloaded or printed, and used to prepare, document key appointment information, and follow up after the appointment. 

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Resource eight

Diet and Nutrition

Diet and nutrition is essential for overall health, and poor diet and nutrition can put people at higher risk of other chronic health conditions including heart disease, diabetes and arthritis. Good knowledge of diet and nutrition can also help people make informed healthy choices every day.  
Tasmanian Healthy Eating Project: Cooking videos NDS 2021
Includes practical, nutritious and easy recipe videos for DSW, people with disability and their supporters.  
Primary Health Network (PHN) SPIDAH in partnership with Victoria University: 2023 
Resources developed with a focus on healthy diet, homemade alternatives and portion sizes based off the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating (AGTHE) Further information visit Victoria University CHEW program

Australian Guide to Healthy Eating

Fats, Fibre, Sugar, Salt, GI, Iron

Healthier swaps

Label reading

Portioning and energy balance

Other resources:  

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Resource nine

Dental care and oral health

Poor oral health can have a significant impact on people's overall health and wellbeing including pain, complications with speaking, eating (chewing and swallowing including medications) and sleeping. Poor oral health may also contribute to changes in people's mental health and behavior.  
Supporting good oral health requires everyday daily mouth care, healthy eating habits as well as regular dental checkups and care.  
Every Smile Website, Dental Services Victoria 2023  
The Every Smile website includes disability specific information covering key topics from why dental health is important, to practical information on plaque and gum disease, dry mouth and medications and oral health. 
Caring for Your Teeth Fact Sheet, Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing 2023  
The easy read resource includes information about caring for teeth and going to the dentist. 
Dental Care resources, Council for Intellectual Disability 2018 
CID has produced three easy read fact sheets including  

Planning to go to the dentist. A guide for families and carers of people with autism, Developmental Disability WA 2020
This booklet aims to provide some knowledge on how to prepare for dental visits and some tips for maintaining good oral hygiene habits at home. 
Your Dental Health, Inclusion Melbourne 2015
The website includes practical tools and the Oral Health and Intellectual Disability: A Guide for people with a disability, their family carers, friends and advocates.  
The detailed guide includes common oral health issues like tooth decay and gum disease, nutrition and smoking's impact on teeth, brushing and flossing techniques, and information on going to the dentist.  

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Resource 10

Health and Hospital Passports

Health passports include a person's key health and personal information which can be shared with health professionals when accessing health and hospital services. They can include summaries of health information, medication lists, communication needs and guardian ship and next of kin information.  
This section includes multiple examples from different organisations and states, however, is not an exhaustive list.  
Julian's Key Health Passport | Queensland Health 2023 

Julian’s Key Health Passport is a patient/carer-controlled communication tool co-designed with consumers. This health passport includes a traffic light system for likes and dislikes and information categories guardianship, medical history, medications list, communication approach and style as well as level of paid supports and key contacts.  

Hospital Support Plans Admission to Discharge website 2021
The Admission2Discharge (A2D) Together Project was developed to improve the hospital experiences of people with a cognitive disability, their carers, families and DSW.  
The website includes resources including:  

  • Admission 2 discharge together folder: Downloadable resources for people with disability to prepare their hospital visit.  
  • Tools and training resources for DSW and supporters to assist a person with disability putting together their A2D folder.  

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Pip resource 11

Hospital Interface 

Attending hospital in an emergency or as part of a planned admission can be a stressful and complex process. Transitions of care between disability services and health services are also a higher risk time for people.  
People with disability and disability providers can build their knowledge of hospital systems as well as prepare key information for any unplanned or planned hospital admissions.  
Hospitals to Home Project and Resources: NDS 2020
The WA Hospitals to Home project produced co-designed resources in partnership with the Disability Health Network and other key stakeholders. Resources include:  

  • Participants: Downloadable tools including Your Hospital Guides (information guides) and My Hospital Pack (health passport). 
  • Disability providers: Short video resources for DSW explaining their role and hospital processes including prepare for a hospital stay, your hospital stay, decision making, discharge summaries, after hospital stays.   
  • Health professionals: Downloadable tools including collaborative discharge planning meetings and person-centered communications resources. 

HOME | Hospital Project, resources and training La Trobe University 2024
The online resources including videos and worksheets is for people involved in the hospital journey of adults with intellectual disability. The site presents a Framework for Quality Hospital Care based on evidence of practices in hospitals.  
The practical information and resources will help DSW to support people with intellectual disability as they journey through a hospital from planning and admission to discharge. 
HealthCARE Conversations, Victorian Office of the Public Advocate 2021 
OPA has co-designed resources to improve communications between people with disability and health care practitioners. Resources include:  

  • Video resource featuring people with disability and Dr Jane Tracy, from the Centre for Developmental Disability Health Victoria at Monash Health discussing lived experience of healthcare and tips for effective communication in health settings. 
  • Downloadable resource - The right of people to make their own medical decisions. 

Going to hospital for surgery resources, Council for Intellectual Disability 2019
The Easy Read information guide includes information on signs of illness, including planning for surgery, consent and discharge. 
Discharge planning toolkit - Summer Foundation 2023
The Summer Foundation has worked closely with hospital discharge staff, people with disability and families to understand the issues around accessing comprehensive disability support. 

This toolkit provides targeted information for hospital discharge staff, and staff in acute and rehabilitation hospital settings, relating to the discharge of people aged under 65 years who have acquired a disability. 
Collaborative discharge approach Summer Foundation 2023  
A Collaborative Discharge Approach (CDA) is a process to ensure that people under 65 with disability or complex support needs in hospital can achieve an effective and timely discharge back into the community with National Disability Insurance System (NDIS) supports. 

This overview provides a snapshot of how health can work with support coordinators to achieve this and includes links to resources that align with specific actions. 

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Resource eight

Meal time management and dysphagia

NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission Mealtime support - resources and guidance 
People having access to mealtimes that are safe and enjoyable is critical – it minimises the risk of choking and serious health problems; and improves a person’s safety and quality of life. 

The NDIS Commission developed the Mealtime Management NDIS Practice Standard and accompanying resources in consultation with stakeholders to explicitly address quality and safety in mealtime supports. 

Resources include:  

  • E-learning modules for DSW: covering Mealtime assistance and the Mealtime Plan, Swallowing, and symptoms of swallowing difficulty, Planning food and food texture modifications, Mealtime positioning and assistive technology.  
  • Practice Alerts: Dysphagia, safe swallowing and mealtime management Medicines associated with swallowing problems, Lifestyle Risk Factors, Oral Health.  

Enjoy Safe Meals – Co-creating Safe and Enjoyable Meals for People with Dysphagia   University of Technology Sydney  
The Co-Creating Safe and Enjoyable Meals for People with Swallowing Disability training was developed in 2020-2021 for evaluation in a pilot program in 2021. The co-design project was funded by a grant provided by the Australian Government and additional funding through a grant from the Victorian Department of Families, Fairness and Housing. 
This website is designed to help share information about the project and the training and any outputs or impact of the project throughout 2022. It is managed by Prof Bronwyn Hemsley at The University of Technology Sydney and is updated regularly. 
The website includes:  

  • Training for DSW including self paced and in person training 
  • Recipes and practical videos for IDDSI levels 
  • Downloadable resources including: 
    • Signs and symptoms of swallowing difficult 
    • Responding to choking 
    • Documenting Meal Time Management Assistance Difficulties and Choking Incidents 
    • Making a referral for a person with swallowing difficulty 
    • Tips for oral hygiene and dental care 
    • A cooks companion for people with swallowing difficulty 

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Pip resource nine

Mental Health

Mental health challenges are prevalent in Australia, with almost half of all Australians having a mental health ill health in their life. People with disability have unique experiences of mental health and psychosocial disability, as well as experiencing barriers in accessing support and services.  
Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect ( 
Intellectual Disability Mental Health Connect aims to help people with intellectual disability get the right services and support for their mental health. It has information for people with intellectual disability, their supporters including DSW, and professionals. The website has detailed information and resources on how to support people with their mental health, and navigating mental health services.  

Mental health and Wellness, Down Syndrome Australia     
The Down syndrome and Mental Health Guide talks about what people with Down syndrome and their families can do to support good mental health, as well as help identify when professional support might be required. 
Healthy Mind Easy Read worksheets - Black Dog Institute   
Black Dog Institute has developed printable work sheets including:  

  • Healthy Mind Progress Sheet 
  • Worksheets – Recognising feelings, breathe and relax, taming anger, having more fun and tackling unhelpful thinking. 

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Pip resource four

Quality Use of Medicines

One aspect of maintaining wellbeing and quality of life is the appropriate use of medication, however the Take Care Report from the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA) Medicine Safety Facts Report (2019) identified people with disability face significant barriers to access to quality and safe medication from prescription through to medication administration.  
Building the knowledge of DSW and empowering all people with disabilities to understand and engage in their medication can support safer medication management.  

Quality Use of Medicines: NDS Webinar Series with the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia

NDS partnered with PSA to create a webinar series and resources to cover foundations knowledge as part of the Positive Health Outcomes project funded by Department of Social Services.

Council for Intellectual Disability 2024  

Easy read medication leaflets | Project ( UK 2020 
Easy read medicines information leaflets for psychotropic medications.  

Australian medication review programs:  
Medication review programs are a great way for a person to review their medication when they have a complex medication regime, polypharmacy or would like further education.  

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Resource 11

Sexual and reproductive health

Sexual and reproductive health is an essential component of health, and can range from cancer screening, contraceptives, menstruation management and healthy and enjoyable sex. However many people with disability face barriers to receiving information and services for their sexual and reproductive health needs, which can have a significant impact on health outcomes.  

Facts on Sexual and Reproductive Health for Women with Disabilities 2021 
Resources include:  

  • Facts on Sexual and Reproductive Health for Women with Disability 
  • AcceSex Stories Snapshot: stories from women with disability on experiences accessing sexual and reproductive health care 
  • AcceSex: How to Deliver Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare to Women with Disability 

Disability Resources | Family Planning NSW 
Family Planning Australia respects the rights of people with disability to have control over their own lives and make decisions about their reproductive and sexual health, free from coercion, discrimination and violence. 

The website includes resources for people with disability, including in easy english, covering essential topics like sex, being a healthy woman, cancer screening, sexuality and supported decision making. 
Towards Reproductive Justice for YWGwD Report and Resources - Women With Disabilities Australia 2022 
Menstruating with a disability, including for victim-survivors of abuse, can be different and difficult to manage. This resource has been developed by young women, girls, feminine identifying and non-binary persons with disability and covers menstruation, contraception, and sexually, transmitted infections (STIs) to young people with disability. 
Sexual and reproductive health resources, South Australian Council on Intellectual Disability 2021
Downloadable easy read resources covering sexual health checks, and healthy relationships and dating information.  

Do you know a resource that would be a good fit on this page? Suggest it via the contact information box below.

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Contact information

For any enquiries, please contact Pip Robertson, Senior Policy and Project Officer, submit enquiry/feedback, show phone number