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Government’s NDIS Annual Pricing Review ‘Ripping Off’ Australians with disability and disability services

NDS are calling out the government’s Pricing Review for ‘ripping off’ Australians with disability and disability services across the country.
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NDIS pricing announcement fails participants and providers

The Annual Pricing Review rise of 3.19 per cent is not enough to secure the continuity of supports for people with disability.

NDIS pricing announcement fails participants and providers

A person with disability sits on a couch alongside their support person looking to the camera


The NDIA’s Annual Pricing Review decision, announced today, fails providers and participants. The Review’s 3.19 per cent rise in participant pricing for 2024–25 for supports from disability support workers falls far short of what the sector needs to cover rising operational costs and the burden of training and onboarding.

NDS has issued a media statement calling out the Annual Price Review for ripping off Australians with disability and disability services, which has been posted on our website.

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