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Nominations are open for the Victorian Disability Awards

The Victorian Government awards recognise disability rights and inclusion in four categories.
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Farewell John Walsh AO

One of the architects of the NDIS, John Walsh believed strongly in the rights of people with disability and the power of their decision making.

Nominations are open for the Victorian Disability Awards

Close up of a seated audience clapping


Nominations are open until 19 July for the Victorian Disability Awards. An initiative of the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, the awards recognise Victorian people, groups or organisations that champion disability rights and inclusion, promote the use of co-design, advocate improvements to policies and services, and are role models in the sector. 

The awards have four categories, reflecting the Inclusive Victoria: State Disability Plan 2022-26: 

  • Advocacy for People (including self-advocacy) 
  • Leadership in Co-design 
  • Disability Pride Champion 
  • Lifetime Achievement Award 

NDS encourages members to nominate any person or team in your organisation that you feel are making an outstanding contribution to the lives of people with disability. Nominations close on 19 July.  Other enquiries can be made to the Awards Secretariat on 03 9285 3873 or

Members should also consider nominating their outstanding candidates for NDS’s National Disability Awards, held during the Executive Leaders Conference in December. We will announce details soon. 

Contact information
Maeve O'Shaughnessy, Project and Engagement Coordinator VIC, 03 8341 4392, submit enquiry/feedback