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Government’s NDIS Annual Pricing Review ‘Ripping Off’ Australians with disability and disability services

NDS are calling out the government’s Pricing Review for ‘ripping off’ Australians with disability and disability services across the country.
News update
News update

NDIS pricing announcement fails participants and providers

The Annual Pricing Review rise of 3.19 per cent is not enough to secure the continuity of supports for people with disability.

NSW COVID-19 Update: PCR tests will remain free in 2023

NDS COVID-19 News Update


What you need to know

  • PCR tests remain free for everyone who needs them.
  • Priority populations can access them free through state testing sites.
  • Everyone else can continue to receive free PCR testing at GP-led Respiratory Clinics or on the request of their GP or nurse practitioner.
  • People at lower risk should use RAT tests.

The latest information on PCR testing for COVID-19 has been released by the Australian Department of Health and Aged Care.

Under the national plan, access to PCR tests will remain free for everyone who needs them. Priority populations can get them through state testing sites. Everyone else can get their free tests at GP-led Respiratory Clinics or through a request from their GP or nurse practitioner. Those at lower risk should use RAT tests.

The Australian Government is committed to effective COVID-19 testing to limit the spread and ensure those most at risk have fast access to care and treatments.

You can read about the national approach to COVID testing on the department website [pdf].

Contact information

For any enquiries, please contact John Yealland, State Manger NSW (Acting), submit enquiry/feedback, show phone number