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Carecareers information

carecareers was an NDS workforce initiative, aimed at building sector-wide workforce capacity by improving attraction, recruitment and retention of talent to meet the growing demands for workers in...

NT Election 2024 - NDS top priorities

NDS is asking all parties contesting the NT election on 24 August to fulfil our top priorities for the future of disability support.

Victorian Workshop Event Summary Report - Employment providers deep dive into strategies to overcome barriers to open employment

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NDS Quality and Safeguards Sector Readiness Project - Resources and Tools

WA Quality and Safeguards Sector Readiness Project

About these resources and tools

These resources were developed for the NDS Quality and Safeguards Sector Readiness Project as a starting point to assist NDIS providers in meeting quality and safeguarding requirements.

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NDIS Registered Providers

The NDIS Commission manage the registration and quality assurance of NDIS providers through a national quality and safeguarding framework. The NDIS Commission work with people with disability and NDIS providers to improve the quality and safety of services and supports. Their website has information for registered and unregistered providers. They produce resources and guidance to assist providers to meet the requirements, learn and upskill their teams.

Useful links

  • NDIS Commission Website
  • NDIS Code of Conduct. All registered and unregistered NDIS providers and their workers are required to comply with the NDIS Code of Conduct. It sets out expectations for safe and ethical conduct by all providers and their workers.
  • Registered provider obligations and requirements. A registered NDIS provider is a person or organisation that is registered with the NDIS Commission. NDIS providers must be registered to deliver some kinds of supports. This link provides information on the obligations, requirements and responsibilities of registered NDIS providers.
  • NDIS practice standards and quality indicators. The NDIS practice standards and quality indicators specify the quality standards to be met by registered NDIS providers. Each standard has outcomes and quality indicators to guide registered providers on what they need to do to meet each standard.
  • Unregistered provider obligations. Not all NDIS providers need to register with the NDIS Commission, but all NDIS providers have an obligation to provide high quality and safe supports to people with disability. This link provides information for unregistered provider obligations and responsibilities of unregistered NDIS providers.

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NDIS Worker Screening

All registered provider workers, in risk assessed roles, are now required to hold an NDIS Worker screening check.

These resources were developed to give providers an understanding of the different agencies involved in NDIS Worker Screening in WA. Providers will be able to understand the responsibilities in relation to their workforce and to know how to access the information they need to meet the requirements of the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. The resources provide an overview and aim to give providers some tools which can be used as a starting point, in developing policies, procedures and processes to manage the requirements around NDIS Worker Screening checks.


Factsheet: NDIS Worker Screening Check 
What is Worker Screening, why is it important and links to important information for WA providers.

NDIS Workers Screening Policy Checklist 
Checklist for developing your own policy.
NDIS Workers Screening Check Procedure Guide 
Key considerations in developing your procedures and some risk management templates.

Useful links

  • NDIS Worker Screening Check. An overview of NDIS Worker Screening and accessing the Worker Screening Database.
  • Department of Communities: NDIS Worker Screening Check. Information regarding the process in WA, resources for you and your workers and contact details for the Worker Screening Unit.

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Conflict of Interest

The NDIS Code of Conduct places certain responsibilities on NDIS registered providers and workers to declare and avoid any real or perceived conflicts of interest. These resources explain conflict of interest in context of NDIS and provide useful checklists, including examples and considerations to assist providers to eliminate or reduce conflict of interest in their workplace.


Factsheet: Conflict of Interest 
What is conflict of interest and why is it important? What is expected of NDIS providers and some examples of conflict of interest.

Conflict of Interest Policy Checklist 
A checklist to assist in developing your own policy.
Tipsheet: Considerations for managing conflict of interest 
Ideas and questions to consider in developing policies, procedures and processes to eliminate, reduce or manage real or perceived conflicts of interest.

Useful links

  • The NDIS Code of Conduct - Guidance for service providers. This guide is available to assist NDIS providers to understand and comply with the NDIS Code of Conduct. It provides information and examples of what the Code of Conduct looks like in practice including examples of conflict of interest.

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Section Divider, Emergency Disaster and Management

Emergency and Disaster Management

The Emergency and Disaster Management Practice Standard outlines how providers must prepare for and respond to different types of emergencies and disasters. These resources include tips and ideas for developing emergency and disaster management policies, procedures, plans and resources to assist with training your workers.


Factsheet: Emergency and Disaster Management
An overview of emergency and disaster management in NDIS supports and services.

Emergency and Disaster Management: Prevention and Preparation Tip Sheet
Tips and ideas for developing emergency and disaster management procedures and plans.

Emergency and Disaster Management Policy Checklist
A checklist to assist in developing your own policy.

Key Conversations Tool for Emergency and Disaster Management
A tool and templates to raise awareness with your workers.

Board Briefing Note
To assist Boards and governing bodies to understand their role and responsibilities.

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This project is funded by the Government of Western Australia - Department of Communities.

Government of Western Australia Department of Communities

Effective OrganisationCommunication

Effective Organisational Communication

Communication in its many forms, appears throughout the NDIS Code of Conduct and in every NDIS Practice Standard. These resources aim to assist providers to improve the organisation’s internal and external communications and provide information and links to resources on developing communication skills, creating accessible and inclusive communications, tips for developing a culture of effective communication and key questions to answer when developing and implementing a communication plan.


Organisational Communications - Review and Improvement Action Plan

An action plan template to assist with reviewing or developing your organisation’s internal and external communications.

Effective Organisational Communications

Information to assist you to improve your communications with all stakeholders.

Communication Policies, Procedures, Strategies and Plans

A tool to develop or evaluate your existing framework for internal and external communications.

Factsheet: Accessible and inclusive information provision and communications.

An overview on providing information and creating communications which are accessible and inclusive.

Useful links

NDS Communication Plan template: NDS's Communication Plan Template is an example of a communication plan that was developed as part of NDS Risk Incident and Complaints Management Resources.

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Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement opportunities may be identified in everyday work and life. They may be raised in conversations, in feedback, complaints or as the result of an incident. Ideas to improve services can come from anyone including people with disability, family, carers, staff, and volunteers.

These resources have been developed to assist providers by providing information, ideas, resources and tools which could be used for gathering and tracking continuous improvement in your organisation.


Continuous Improvement Checklist
A checklist with questions which are designed as thought starters for your organisation to consider.

Continuous Improvement Tools
Information and links to other resources which could be helpful to gather and collate continuous improvement ideas.

Factsheet: Continuous Improvement Planning
An overview of meeting the requirements of the NDIS Practice Standards with regards to continuous improvement.

Useful links

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NDIS Governance Health Chec

NDIS Governance Health Check

The NDIS Governance Health Check is a self-assessment tool for a board and/or executive team, developed to evaluate the governing body and key personnel against the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding requirements. The tool is designed to reflect on the maturity of an organisation’s commitment and its readiness to comply with the governance and operational management requirements. It also identifies areas for continuous improvement and assists with developing an action plan.


NDIS Governance Health Check
Information to support organisations to look at NDIS quality and safeguarding requirements for the governing body and a tool to self-evaluate against the requirements.

Useful links

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Turning Policy into Practice

Policy to practice is a term used to describe the steps involved in turning policies, procedures and other guidelines into the work practices and behaviours demonstrated by your workers. These resources aim to assist organisations and their leaders to develop a culture where the principles, expectations, actions and desired behaviours laid out in policies and procedures, are reflected in the experience of people receiving services.


Factsheet: What is Policy to Practice and Why is it Important?
An overview on the steps involved in turning policies, procedures and other guidelines into the work practices and behaviours demonstrated by your workers.

Policy to Practice: Leadership Roles, Responsibilities and Resources
Information on leadership roles and responsibilities, monitoring, and resources for Boards and leaders.

Tipsheet: Policy to Practice – Gaining insight from people with disability and their networks
Includes tips and ideas for involving people with disability and their networks.

Tipsheet: Policy into Practice: Supporting the Workforce
Provides tips, ideas and resources for engaging and supporting your workforce through consultation, communication, education, monitoring and support.

Useful links

NDIS Registration and Audit Process - Verification and Certificaiton Pathways

NDIS Registration and Audit Process - Verification and Certificaiton Pathways

To be a registered provider of NDIS supports and services, means applying for and maintaining registration with the NDIS Commission. These resources are aimed at new providers of NDIS supports and services and want to increase their understanding of the audit process, timelines and working with Approved Quality Auditors (AQAs).


Factsheet: NDIS Registration Process and Audit Pathways
Information and links to other resources on the registration process, audit pathways and process, quality auditor recommendations, application outcome and ongoing cycle.

Factsheet: Audit Reports
An overview on audit findings and ratings and corrective action plans.

NDIS Registration and Renewal Timelines
An infographic and tips for managing your registration and renewal basic timelines

Tipsheet: Selecting and Engaging an Approved Quality Auditor (AQA)
Provides ideas and helpful tips for selecting an Approved Quality Auditor (AQA) that is a good fit for your organisation

Useful links

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Risk, Incidents, and Complaints Management

Risk, Incidents, and Complaints Management

A well-managed risk, incidents and complaints system will help drive safer and good quality outcomes for people with disability and meet the regulatory requirements of the NDIS Commission.

These resources have been developed for individuals/sole traders and small and medium sized providers and can be adapted for an individual service's needs and size. These resources build on the foundation resources in NDS's Risk Incident and Complaints Management.


Tools, Resources and Information for Developing your Risk Management Approach A resource to assist with developing or reviewing the way your organisation manages risk.

Factsheet: Understanding Incidents - Recording and Reporting requirements

An overview on incidents, what the NDIS Commission consider an incident, information on Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) and other types of incidents.

Incident Management Practice Standard - Information and Resources

Information to assist NDIS providers to understand their responsibilities in relation to the Incident Management NDIS practice standard.

Complaints Management – Self-Assessment and Action Plan

A tool to assist you to review and develop feedback and complaints management systems, policies, and processes.

Tools, Resources and Information for Lead Complaints Handlers

Information to assist with developing different skills of the people in your organisation who are responsible for handling complaints.

Useful links

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Internal Audit

Internal audits of records, systems, policies, procedures and processes help to identify issues or inconsistencies, address risks and highlight areas for improvement. These resources aim to provide a possible structure to gather evidence and identify an action plan for improvement.


Employee File Audit Checklist An example of what an employee file audit could look like using a systematic approach to reviewing a file to gather evidence and identify an action plan for improvement.

Internal Audit Assessment Record The structure of this tool supports system audits in response to a cyclical review, an issue or risk, or another business need which has presented.

Internal Audit Organisational Schedule This template has been developed as an example of what an audit schedule could look like and provides some of the core areas an NDIS Provider should consider.

Participant File Audit Checklist An example of what a participant file audit could look like using a systematic approach to reviewing a file to gather evidence and identify an action plan for improvement.

Useful links

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Train the Trainer: Difficult Conversations 

The goal of these resources is to assist your workers to practice and build their skills in managing the conversations they need to have in their role. It aims to do this by increasing their awareness of themselves and others and facilitating discussion around some of the challenges and expected responses.


Key Conversations - Difficult Conversations Introduction Video Watch the video to get an overview of these resources.

Difficult Coversations Slides This presentation addresses having difficult conversations with a focus on communication skills, how we engage with others, and how we plan to approach conversations which might be difficult or where a person might have a different view to our own.

Difficult Conversations Facilitator Guide This tool has facilitator instructions, answer keys, tips on how to use the Power Point slides and the Team Workbook.

Difficult Conversations Team workbook A workbook with group activities to foster discussion to be used alongside the facilitator guide.

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Train the Trainer: Human Rights

The goal of using these resources is to assist your workers to understand their role and responsibilities in upholding people’s human rights. It aims to do this by increasing awareness and facilitating discussion around some of the challenges and expected responses.


Key Conversations – Human Rights Introduction Video Watch the video to get an overview of these resources.

Human Rights Slides This presentation addresses human rights and the barriers people with disability commonly face in having their rights upheld and the role we play in supporting people to express their choices and fully realise their human rights.

Human Rights Facilitator Guide This tool has facilitator instructions, answer keys, tips on how to use the Power Point slides and the Team Workbook.

Human Rights Team Workbook A workbook with group activities to foster discussion to be used alongside the facilitator guide.

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This project is funded by the Government of Western Australia - Department of Communities.

Government of Western Australia Department of Communities

Contact information

For any enquiries, please contact Carmen Pratts-Hincks, Program Manager-Quality and Safeguarding, show phone number, submit enquiry/feedback