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CEO update
CEO update

CEO update: The real disability rip off— NDIS prices

NDS responds to the annual price review announcement, the NDIS Amendment Bill is delayed, and, finally, some coordination for reforms on the horizon.
CEO update
CEO update

Pulse survey: NDIS Annual Pricing Review

New price limits come into effect from 1 July and we want to hear from providers about what the new prices mean for you.

ABC 7:30—Shortage of disability workers becoming a crisis

person in wheelchair, rear-view


"The situation with staffing is pretty dire at the moment," NDS CEO Laurie Leigh told ABC's 7.30.

"The advent of the NDIS has meant demand for services in the sector has gone up, which is really good, but the workforce and the ability for us to develop a capable workforce has not followed pace with that," said Leigh.

The shortage has been made worse by COVID isolation and a lack of international workers during the pandemic.

"In a recent survey that NDS did, 76 per cent of providers said they were not able to service all of the requests for services they were getting from people."

She is calling for systemic change to boost the workforce.

Watch the report