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Applications for the Williamson Community Leadership Program 2025 close on 5 August

Leadership Victoria’s flagship program also offers a full scholarship for a disability leader.
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Changes to Victoria’s Reportable Conduct Scheme came in 1 July

More types of employees now covered by the scheme for reporting and investigating harm and abuse to children.

Applications close this week for the Community and Social Services Graduate Program

Two people study at a desk with open text books, sticky notes and pencils.


What you need to know 

  • The Community and Social Services Graduate Program is a pathway for graduates starting their careers in the Victorian community and social services sector.  
  • Employers can get $8000 for each graduate and other resources to give them a great early-career experience.  
  • Applications for the Community and Social Services Graduate Program close on 12 July. 

Applications close on 12 July for the first round of the Community and Social Services Graduate Program. This initiative, a collaboration between NDS, the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH), and other sector peak bodies, aims to increase the number of graduates entering and staying employed within community and social services. 
The pilot graduate program is a pathway for employers looking for graduates with relevant diploma, bachelor or masters qualifications to start a rewarding career within their organisation. While we acknowledge these qualifications may not be relevant for support worker roles, graduates have the attributes to become team leaders, program coordinators and case managers. And graduates who go into policy and advocacy, project work, and service redesign are valuable in today’s reform environment. 
For each graduate, employers will get $8000, with other resources, to create a positive early-career experience that could convince graduates to stay in the sector and ease workforce demand. 
Organisations can take part in two ways:  

  1. They can employ a newly qualified graduate starting their career in community services. New graduates are recruited through the Graduate Resource Centre (GRC), a specialist community services workforce function that makes it easier for graduates to get information and connect with community services careers. The GRC will help you find a graduate that is a good fit for your role and organisation. 
  2. Or organisations can nominate an employee who meets the eligibility criteria and was employed by you within the past year. 

You can get more information, download information sheets and apply through the program’s website. 

Applications for the first round of grants close on Friday 12 July.  

Contact information
Lourdes Zamanillo, Senior Policy & Project Officer Workforce, 03 8341 4327, submit enquiry/feedback