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Two people sitting at a shared desk with computer monitors and keyboards
News update

Skilled support from UWA student interns for disability service organisations

The McCusker Centre for Citizenship offers talented and motivated UWA student interns to assist with research, projects and daily business activities.
Tasmania in Focus by Lizzie Castles, State Manager Tas

Tasmania in Focus by Lizzie Castles, August 2024

As governments respond to the DRC recommendations, we work with the state on the disability inclusion and sign an Industry Skills Compact.
Close up of two people using a calculator while analysing a clipboard with graphs
News update

NDS focuses on pricing in our submission to the National Audit Office on the NDIA Board.

Calling for transparent and sustainable pricing models, NDS’s submission to the ANAO audit focused on how the NDIA Board affects NDIS pricing.
A support person plays with a happy young person with disability in a home setting
News update

NDS’s submission on draft NDIS support lists calls for a balanced and inclusive framework

The draft lists need greater clarity and flexibility to capture the diversity of participant needs.
Close up of a person using a calculator and looking at receipts
News update

Providers can have their say on the NDIS pricing system

Asked to look at possible reforms in NDIS pricing, IHACPA would like to hear from the sector.
Close up of a person in business attire holding a stack of papers
News update

NDIS Bill passes Senate and House of Representatives

After vigorous debate and many amendments, the Getting the NDIS Back on Track Bill has passed the Senate and House of Representatives.
NSW in Focus by Debbie Jaggers, State Manager NSW

NSW in Focus by Debbie Jaggers, August 2024

NDS in NSW has been looking closely at the state’s response to the DRC and talking to government about foundational supports and portable long service leave.
A support worker's face is in focus as they look caringly towards their participant
News update

Organisations can contribute to improved health education about intellectual disability

Government online survey looks for ways to improve the knowledge and capabilities of students in the health professions about intellectual disability.
A group of adults sit on a couch, one is smiling towards the camera
News update

NDIS Commission consults providers on disability accommodation

Face-to-face sessions in the state capitals over the next few weeks will discuss next steps for regulation of in-home and accommodation supports.
ACT in Focus by Jo Huxley, Territory Manager ACT

ACT in Focus by Jo Huxley, August 2024

Forced to speak out on the latest Pricing Review, NDS in ACT has also been absorbing governments’ response to the Disability Royal Commission.

Media releases

Line illustration of a group of microphones next to the NDS logo
Media release

Disability sector mobilises to secure the future for a better and fairer NDIS

Disability organisations have launched a campaign website where people concerned about the future of disability services can take action.
A group of line illustrated microphones next to the NDS logo
Media release

A strong and independent future for Every Australian Counts

NDS has supported Every Australian Counts its inception in and are proud that EAC will now operate as a more independent entity.
NDS Media Release
Media release

Disability sector organisations raise the alarm on NDIS market failure

The disability services sector is calling on the NDIA and government to take urgent and immediate action to ensure services for people with disability continue
NDS logo along side an illustration of a group of microphones
Media release

Government’s NDIS Annual Pricing Review ‘Ripping Off’ Australians with disability and disability services

NDS are calling out the government’s Pricing Review for ‘ripping off’ Australians with disability and disability services across the country.