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NDS announces two important disability employment project reports

The commissioned projects, on Defining Customised Employment and Supported Employment Modelling, were discussed during our Disability at Work Conference.
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Subsidies available to help train your WA workforce

Registered organisations can apply for wage subsidies to cover staff who attend accredited VET training.

Digital release of the seven top priorities for the WA State election 2021

Reads WA Election Priorities 2021. Seven priorities online overview


NDS is pleased to release our WA Election Priorities 2021 that outline seven key priorities for the 13 March 2021 State election. The priorities are informed by people with disability and disability service providers. An incoming State Government has the opportunity to deliver good economic and social outcomes for more than 411,000 West Australians with disability, as well as build a more sustainable disability services sector that will deliver great support services.

NDS supports the continuation of strong State Government stewardship by maintaining a dedicated Minister for Disability Services and the newly-created Office of Disability. Recommended priorities for an incoming State Government also include investment in a strong disability workforce; education, training and job opportunities for people with disability; addressing disability housing needs; building accessible communities and delivering great health and justice outcomes.

While significant progress has been made in building a more Inclusive WA for people with disability through a range of initiatives of successive WA Governments, there is still more to do so that each individual can prosper and take their equal place in Western Australian community life.

With the sector having faced the challenges of several years of significant reform and added COVID-19 complexities, action is required to ensure the future of disability services is clear, purposeful and appropriately resourced.

NDS urges political leaders to commit to our seven priorities to make a real difference and have a tremendous positive impact on the lives of people with disability, their families, the workers that support them and the many organisations that contribute greatly to the fabric of WA.

Contact information

For any enquiries, please contact Julie Waylen, State Manager WA, 08 9208 9805, submit enquiry/feedback