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CEO update
CEO update

CEO update: The real disability rip off— NDIS prices

NDS responds to the annual price review announcement, the NDIS Amendment Bill is delayed, and, finally, some coordination for reforms on the horizon.
CEO update
CEO update

Pulse survey: NDIS Annual Pricing Review

New price limits come into effect from 1 July and we want to hear from providers about what the new prices mean for you.

DSS updates sector and peak bodies on the DES star ratings review

Two people shaking hands at an office meeting


Disability Employment Service (DES) providers have recently been sent a set of revised and adjusted star ratings up to the September 2022 quarter. This follows revelations by the Department of Social Services (DSS) in late 2022 that the DES star ratings contained ongoing coding errors from 2019–20. The coding included incorrect historical data in the two-year rolling window from December 2020. Consequently, DSS suspended the star ratings and authorised a comprehensive review, conducted by Taylor Fry, as part of a broader investigation conducted by Minter Ellison. 

The rebuilt star ratings have now been released by DSS to DES providers and their peak bodies. The new star ratings will not be publicly released, and providers have received only their own star ratings. 

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