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Skilled support from UWA student interns for disability service organisations

The McCusker Centre for Citizenship offers talented and motivated UWA student interns to assist with research, projects and daily business activities.

Tasmania in Focus by Lizzie Castles, August 2024

As governments respond to the DRC recommendations, we work with the state on the disability inclusion and sign an Industry Skills Compact.

Information seminars on the Disability Services and Inclusion Bill 2023 open to the public

Rear view of a seated audience in a large auditorium


The Department of Social Services (DSS) is holding public information sessions to explain the Disability Services and Inclusion Bill 2023 and receive final comments from the public before presenting the new Bill to parliament.  

The Bill has been developed after an extensive consultation with the sector. An exposure draft was posted for comment last year, and NDS, many disability organisations, people with disability, and their families and carers lodged submissions.   

The new legislation will replace the Disability Services Act 1986, which does not account for the major changes in the disability sector in the past three decades. The new bill will include recognition of the UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disability, the NDIS and the National Disability Strategy, as well as updated terminology that reflects the major changes in disability service provision. There is more emphasis on inclusion and the rights of people with disability to control and make decisions in their lives.

The new Bill provides a way to continue funding existing supports and services while allowing the Commonwealth to design any new supports and services that better assist people with disability and their families and carers. It is important to note that the Bill does not provide supports or services directly to people with disability.  

The information sessions are in two rounds, in the weeks of 17 July and 31 July. Attendance and responses are welcome from anyone, especially people with disability, their families and carers, and service providers. 

The exposure draft of the Bill and other materials in pdf, word doc and easy read versions are available in the consultation material

The department has produced survey questions to guide comments. People can also lodge submissions or submit questions before the information sessions. 

Information session times 

Round 1 

Round 2 

More information is available on DSS Engage

Contact information

For any enquiries, please contact Emily Forrest, Director of Policy and Advocacy, submit enquiry/feedback, show phone number