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CEO update
CEO update

CEO update: The real disability rip off— NDIS prices

NDS responds to the annual price review announcement, the NDIS Amendment Bill is delayed, and, finally, some coordination for reforms on the horizon.
CEO update
CEO update

Pulse survey: NDIS Annual Pricing Review

New price limits come into effect from 1 July and we want to hear from providers about what the new prices mean for you.

New Zero Tolerance films focus on power, control and restrictive practices

Zero tolerance - Focus on rights, target abuse


Our recently updated Zero Tolerance online films and guides are excellent resources for preventing abuse and avoiding risks. They will help your team increase their understanding of restriction and power and help start the conversation about ways to do things differently.

Responding to evolving thinking and practice in the sector, the films and accompanying guides in two key units are now available free from NDS.

Recognising Restriction in People's Lives – five films and a guide (PDF or Word)

Some everyday practices, performed out of habit or need for safety, can impose restrictions on the people you support. These five films and accompanying guide will help your team to recognise restrictions when they see or use them, understand that all restrictions can have negative impact on the health and wellbeing of the person, and start the conversation about ways to do things differently.

Understanding Power and Control – two films and a guide (PDF or Word)

Power in a support relationship is often unequal and sometimes open to abuse. These two films and accompanying guide outline strategies for service providers to create safer, more empowering environments for people they support. They will assist your team’s understanding of punitive restrictions, the impact on the person’s health and wellbeing, and start conversations about how to do things differently.

In the Zero Tolerance section of the NDS website, you’ll find a rich and inspiring library of information and resources. And more is being added.

The Misuse of Medication film and guide will be available soon.

Put simply, Zero Tolerance means abuse is never OK.

Contact information

For any enquiries, please contact Mary Lou McPherson, National Practice Lead - Zero Tolerance Initiative, submit enquiry/feedback, show phone number