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Safer Services Toolkit

This toolkit is aligned with the NDIS Commission requirements and aims to support organisations to build their internal quality and safeguarding capabilities with practical resources.

Website shows jobseekers how to make their own video resumés

NDS’s online resource is a free, easy, step-by-step guide for jobseekers and employment services to make stand-out presentations to potential employers.

NDS Skills Project

This project aims to identify the key skills and training required by the disability workforce to increase the sector's capability.

Reliable Record-Keeping Webinars

group of people talking and having a conversation
NDS invites frontline staff and managers to view a series of six webinars produced by Russell Kennedy Lawyers on Reliable Record Keeping. Each webinar is 20 minutes and is accompanied by downloadable supporting documentation. This includes FAQs, checklists and strategies. Thanks to funding through the Victorian Government's Transition Support Package, webinars can be accessed free of charge.
  • What are records? (Purpose and audience) 
  • Why reliable record-keeping practices are important
  • Legal obligations: Duty of Care, NDIS, health practitioner standards

Frequently Asked Questions:

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  • Benefits of reliable records
  • Qualities of reliable records: relevant, objective, clear, timely, adequate, accurate, legible

Checklist for evaluating the reliability of a record:

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  • What can lead to poor reliability of record-keeping
  • Risks of unreliable records
  • Practices to avoid
  • Do’s and Don’t’s

Strategies to overcome poor record keeping:

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  • NDIS record keeping requirements
  • How to document measuring/tracking against goals in support plans

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  • Record-keeping requirements specific to these matters
  • What reporting requirements may be triggered

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  • Record-keeping requirements
  • Limits of providers and supports workers duty of care
  • What reporting requirements may be triggered

Watch Webinar

Contact information

For any enquiries, please contact Sarah Fordyce, State Manager Victoria, 03 8341 4303, submit enquiry/feedback