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NDS Customised Employment Project

This report reviews the issues surrounding Customised Employment against a specific scope of work described in the objectives and deliverables and presents recommendations.

Disability Inclusion and Access Plan

This plan represents NDS's ongoing commitment to fostering a truly inclusive and accessible environment for people with disability.

Join the campaign: Teamwork works

A round photo of a young person with disability and support worker playing a game, text reads: A strong NDIS keeps the team working. Teamwork works, Join the campaign today

Teamwork Works is a campaign driven by NDS, the peak organisation representing disability service providers across Australia, that will put people with disability and the workers that support them at the front and centre of the national conversation.

The campaign aims to protect the integrity of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) by building awareness of its value to people with disability.

Teamwork Works draws on research and economic modelling to quantify the value of the NDIS while telling real, personal stories from individuals and teams in the sector to bring these benefits to life and drive home the importance of a strong NDIS.

You can sign up to the campaign and learn more at

Teamwork Works campaign roll-out

The campaign will be rolled out in two mutually-reinforcing lanes, which will:

  1. Show the benefits of a strong NDIS by celebrating the partnership between people with disability and their team-member(s) who support them.
  2. Call on all candidates in the lead-up to the Federal election to commit to the integrity of the scheme and to oppose moves that weaken the NDIS.

What Teamwork Works wants

Teamwork Works is calling on the Federal Government to deliver the 3 Ps:

  • Proper Planning – so people with disability have the resources they need to build the right team for them.
  • Fair and Independent Pricing – so providers can deliver the services people with disability need.
  • Genuine Partnership – a real commitment from the Federal Government to work with participants and providers to build a scheme that delivers long-term support.

How you can help

You can get involved in the Teamwork Works campaign by to:

  • Join the campaign so that you can stay up to date with all the news and most recent actions
  • Share your story about your NDIS experience - why a strong NDIS is important to you and how cuts could undermine your ability to support your clients
  • Take the survey so we can demonstrate the far-reaching impact of the NDIS
  • Spread the word about Teamwork Works!

When you weaken the NDIS, the team stops working.

Join the campaign at

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Contact information

For any enquiries, please contact Shinead Feehan, Campaign Manager, submit enquiry/feedback