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NDS Customised Employment Project

This report reviews the issues surrounding Customised Employment against a specific scope of work described in the objectives and deliverables and presents recommendations.

Disability Inclusion and Access Plan

This plan represents NDS's ongoing commitment to fostering a truly inclusive and accessible environment for people with disability.

Winning Government and Corporate Business

Blue image of a conference audience
Key benefits
  • Building business capacity of Disability Enterprises
  • Help to win business from Government and Corporate entities
  • Preparing competitive tenders

This video series is a recording of three well known speakers who share their knowledge and experience to help Disability Enterprises to build their business capacity to win business, through exploring government and commercial/corporate procurement processes, preparing a competitive tender, and the benefits and risks of government panel memberships through to sales and marketing techniques.

Who is this for?

Disability Enterprises

The speakers include:

  • Paul Vorbach, Director and senior faculty member at AcademyGlobal
  • Patrick Moriarty, Australia’s Executive Director, Institute of Community Directors
  • Andrew Hamilton, Principal Consultant, Hamilton Consulting

{slider=Putting your best foot forward: social procurement}

In this webinar, Paul Vorback from AcademyGlobal, will define social procurement and debunk some common misconceptions. He will help providers of all sizes capitalise on trends in social procurement and participate in requests for quotes and tenders, and share success stories of other not-for-profit organisations.

In conjunction with the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Paul Vorbach has developed leading qualifications for public sector procurement and contract management. With a background in executive management in multinational commercial firms, including Deloitte (Senior Manager) and Citi (VP and Director), Paul has 25 years’ experience across consulting, financial services and management education industries.


{slider=How to Win Tenders: Articulating clear value propositions}

In this webinar, Patrick Moriarty from Our Community, will demonstrate the importance of articulating a clear value proposition in order to win government and commercial tenders. Many disability organisations have a competitive edge that fails to be told in many settings including tenders. This webinar  explores developing a project plan that fully appreciates the total value your organisation brings and ensures this is communicated and received effectively.

Patrick Moriarty is the Director of Training and Development at Our Community and holds a Bachelor of Business (Marketing) and a Graduate Diploma in Marketing. His key interests include not-for-profit sector governance, fundraising, grant seeking, community sector marketing, risk management and strategic planning.


{slider=How to Shine on Panels: Sales and marketing techniques}

In this webinar, Andrew Hamilton from Hamilton Consulting, will explore the ongoing sales and marketing techniques to enable Disability Enterprises and disability service providers to win business after securing a spot on a preferred-provider panel with government bodies or commercial organisations.

Andrew Hamilton from Hamilton Consulting has more than 25 years’ experience in sales, business development and funding roles and currently provides support to not-for-profit organisations to win significant tenders. However, winning a tender is only part of the equation for ongoing sustainability and repeat business.


This program is delivered by BuyAbility Procurement with thanks to funding provided by the Department of Social Services

Buyability social procurement logo Australian Government Department of Social Services logo

Contact information

For more information, please contact Paul Musso, Policy Advisor, submit enquiry/feedback,show phone number