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The latest information for the disability sector

Pink background with a connect-the-dots image of a man looking through a telescope. To the right is purple and black text reading Disability at Work Conference 2024 23-24 July//Sydney. On the bottom black text reads Navigating the future of Disability Employment

Disability at Work Conference 2024

National Disability Services (NDS) calls on employment service providers and other professional employment specialists, to help shape and drive the program for NDS's Disability at Work Conference.
Two people standing amongst plants in a garden nursery
News update

NDS announces two important disability employment project reports

The commissioned projects, on Defining Customised Employment and Supported Employment Modelling, were discussed during our Disability at Work Conference.
Disability Inclusion and Access Pan 2024-28 - Artwork by Monica Lazzari and Arts Project Australia
News update

NDS launches its latest Disability Inclusion and Access Plan 2024–28

The plan delivers our four-year strategy for more access, inclusion and participation for people with disability in our organisation and services.
Clipboard and calculator rest on a desk. In the background, a woman types on a computer
Online Event

Financial strategies for economic viability

This webinar will equip your organisation with strategies to remain sustainable against the backdrop of ongoing cost increases and price stagnation in the sector.
A group of people sit in a circle in an office building, listening to one woman speak.
Online Event

Victorian Health and Safety Representatives Network

In partnership with WorkSafe Victoria, NDS is running a series of network meetings for Health and Safety Representatives at disability service organisations.
A group of people in a meeting room
Scheduled Training

Right on Board – Practice Governance for Disability Service Providers: Governing and Managing for Human Rights, Quality and Safeguarding - Online Series

Right on Board answers the need as highlighted by the Disability Royal Commission for greater awareness of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Two people at an office desk looking at a computer screen
News update

The NDIS Commission seeks feedback on the Workforce Capability Framework

An independent survey from KPMG is open until 24 July to evaluate the effectiveness and use of the framework.
A row of colourful houses
News update

NDS joins calls for accessible housing standards in NSW and WA

State governments’ failure to sign up to basic design standards for new homes discriminates against people with disability.
Victoria in Focus by Sarah Fordyce, State Manager Vic

Victoria in Focus by Sarah Fordyce, July 2024

As we consider the impact on disability services of the recent NDIA pricing decision, our latest workforce census gives us no comfort.
An out of focus image with a laptop in the foreground and office workers walking in the background

Helpdesk Top Questions: July 2024

Our helpdesk was asked about high intensity supports, the Supported Employment Services Award, sprinkler systems for STA, and activity-based travel
Close up of a person using a mobile phone beside a laptop
News update

Closure of 3G mobile network could affect participants in emergencies

Shutdown of 3G network on 31 August is a chance to talk emergency preparedness with participants.
Blurry image of people talking in a foyer
Scheduled Training

Productive Conflict

This workshop is an opportunity for individual staff to improve their conflict resolution skills, learn about healthy conflict and how to respond productively.
In a residential group home setting, four people sit on a couch.
News update

New laws for disability accommodation begin in Victoria

From 1 July, disability accommodation providers in Victoria have new obligations and residents have strengthened rights and protections.
Adult comforts a child
News update

Changes to Victoria’s Reportable Conduct Scheme came in 1 July

More types of employees now covered by the scheme for reporting and investigating harm and abuse to children.
Two people stand in an office dressed in corporate attire and holding papers
News update

Applications for the Williamson Community Leadership Program 2025 close on 5 August

Leadership Victoria’s flagship program also offers a full scholarship for a disability leader.
Two young people and their mother smiling towards camera. Banner that reads NDS Communities of Practice
NDS Member Meeting

National Children, Young People and their Families Community of Practice

NDS invites members to join the National Children, Young People and their Families CoP, which seeks to promote the interests and wellbeing of children and young people with disability and...
NDS Media Release
Media release

Disability sector organisations raise the alarm on NDIS market failure

The disability services sector is calling on the NDIA and government to take urgent and immediate action to ensure services for people with disability continue
A message from NDS CEO Laurie Leigh
CEO update

CEO update: Survey shows reality of market failure, coordinated action planned

NDS is working with other groups on addressing a crisis in disability services as our survey shows more than 1000 providers set to exit the market.
Three people in a business meeting looking serious
News update

NDS presses NDIA on pricing of high intensity behavioural support

NDS seeks a resolution to the careless removal of high intensity behavioural supports from the 2024–25 Price Guide.
A woman at a desk holding a clipboard and a pen.
News update

Annual Price Review Pulse Survey shows most providers reconsidering their futures

New prices are called “a cruel joke”, while three quarters of respondents are thinking of cutting services to survive.