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Northern Territory Disability Inclusion Awards Launch Events

Event start date: 2/09/2024
Nominations are open for the 2024 Northern Territory Disability Inclusion Awards - and our Launch Events across the Northern Territory are fast approaching.

McCusker Centre for Citizenship Internships Webinars - IT Focus

Event start date: 3/09/2024
Interested in learning more about hosting an intern? Please join upcoming webinars to find out more.

WA Training Funding Information Session

Event start date: 3/09/2024
Do you want to learn more about investing in your front-line direct care workforce and receive the benefit of a wage subsidy to do so? Come join NDS's upcoming information sessions to find out more!

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Victoria in Focus by Sarah Fordyce, May 2024

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Victorian Social Services Regulator publishes guidance materials for providers

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NDS Skills Project

A male support worker assists a young woman with disability. They are in a room with a sofa behind them.


Key benefits

  • Inform the disability sector's skills and training policy efforts
  • Identify needed skills for frontline supervisors and support workers
  • Identify existing training pathways

Who is this for?

This resource is most suitable for HR Managers, Senior Leaders and Executives, Frontline Supervisors, and Disability Support Workers.

Project Overview and Objectives

Both the Disability Royal Commission and the NDIS Review have identified skills and training as key factors in the delivery of safe, quality disability services. However, information and investment in the disability sector’s skill requirements is often fragmented and hard to access.

In response, NDS has formed a project team to lead NDS’s policy and advocacy work in disability workforce skills and training. By reviewing existing literature through an environmental scan [pdf | doc] and undertaking thorough stakeholder consultation, the NDS Skills Project aims to:

  1. Identify the skills needed by disability support workers and frontline supervisors to perform their roles effectively.
  2. Identify existing training pathways for disability support workers and their supervisors; assessing their effectiveness and recommending key actions for improvement moving forward.

NDS is working closely with HumanAbility, the NDIS Commission, worker representatives, the VET training sector, and disability service providers to inform its project efforts. 

NDS Skills Project: Theory of Change infographic shows the problem, outcomes, key inputs, key actions, key outputs, and impact.

Project Outputs and Outcomes

The NDS Skills Project aims to increase knowledge and understanding of disability sector skill requirements and related learning opportunities; create an improved environment for all stakeholders to make informed decisions on disability sector training investments; and increase the disability sector's workforce capability. To achieve this, the project team is creating:

  1. An environmental scan of existing research on Australia’s disability workforce skills and training. Environmental scan [pdf] | Environmental scan [doc]
  2. A Skills Bank that documents current skill requirements for disability support workers and frontline supervisors.
  3. An accredited training audit that maps and gaps skill requirements against accredited training (CHC training package) (currently in production).
  4. A report on worker perspectives in relation to skills and training (currently in production)
  5. A report on policy recommendations for government (to be delivered in late 2024)
  6. A series of stakeholder resources with accessible information on training options and pathways (to be delivered in late 2024)

How to get involved

NDS is currently undertaking key stakeholder consultation efforts to inform this project. We'd love to hear from you! You can share your input in the following ways:

For disability service providers:

Join our next Plunge Pool to inform NDS' Skills Bank. The Skills Bank will document the essential skills for disability support workers and frontline supervisors. In concert with the NDIS Workforce Capability Framework and the NDIS Practice Standards, your input will inform NDS policy and advocacy on:

  • Training needs for the disability sector
  • Funding for training to support you build a skilled disability workforce

You can register for the next Plunge Pool now.

For registered training organisations:

NDS is inviting all RTOs who have disability-related training products on scope to participate in a survey. The information gained will assist us to understand in more detail the range and reach of training products available across Australia, identify any gaps and will be used to provide one point of reference for our members so they can make informed decisions when seeking to purchase training options for their staff. To ensure your organisation is contacted, please email submit enquiry/feedback with your interest and mark it Attention Louise.

If you'd like to learn more about the project or have any comments and suggestions, get in touch with us at submit enquiry/feedback.

Related Resources

Contact information

For any enquiries, please contact Lourdes Zamanillo, Senior Policy and Project Officer, Workforce, submit enquiry/feedback, show phone number